
A brand new token that will bring blockchain game suites that you really want to play, that you can really profit from. besides having fun.

What we want

Clear mistakes and start a new story with lots of fun We believe that blockchain is the future of gaming. We use simple game mechanics with the sole purpose of creating fun and competitiveness, where we can leave free versions to attract more and more players.

Attracting players

Players can actually win with our games or with our $BCG token. With the idea of competition between players we will promote tournaments where you can win $BCG, and the tokens will be yours and can be withdrawn. Items and any status inherited in games verifiably on the blockchain will be yours and can be moved wherever you wish, as long as technology allows.

Community Harmony

We don't develop tokens and want games for conflicts and losses, and we constantly engage and test assumptions with our Telegram and Discord community. We built alongside a community the desire to launch $BCG to clean up past mistakes and create a close-knit community with big goals of profitability, rewarding past bad times in the MAFAGAFO game

The community will be strong

Blockchain games is created and aimed at users free of the problems of previous management, with a new team and a new purpose

Acquisition of Game MAFAGAFO

The game's acquisition process has been completed and the game will remain with its essence but with earnings in $BCG. The fierce competition and tournaments will increase the proximity of players in the game.

All the evolutionary processes of the game will continue, since the game will be one of the pillars of the Blockchain Games central games The game's NFT will continue to sell and the game's economy will evolve with new implementations and future releases in mobile versions.

The decentralized ecosystem and the $BCG token aspires to open the door to new investors, develop games, host games, and give players back the profits and control they deserve. Through decentralization, players not only own their tokens and in-game items, but also have a voice and enjoyment of playing. Players and game owners will be able to take advantage of our launchpad. We intend to have a fair economy, lucrative games and spread the knowledge of Web3.

Last updated